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Our apartments and houses are all situated in the quiet and residential district of Malfa. 


They are all at a short distance walk away from the main street and from the essential services. In Malfa there are 2 tabacco shops, two bars, a supermarket, a newspaper kiosk, a bank with bancomat facilities, a fish shop, six restaurants and a pizzeria. You can also get gasoline and petrol, two mechanics to fix your car, as well as your boat.

On the island there’s a very efficient transport system, with buses from c.i.t.i.s. (consorzio intercomunale trasporti isola salina) getting through all over the places. Moreover, renting a car, a scooter, a bike or even a boat is also possible: the renting centers are all quite cheap and they operate on convention with us.

You can even try and enjoy a “fishing-experience” with our local centuries-old expert fishermen.


In Malfa a diving service (“bludivesalina”) is also available, ideal to discover the wonderful sea-depths of the island.



Every single day numerous boats sail from Malfa, heading to the other islands in the archipelago. This is the typical way to discover and enjoy the aeolian islands, across their beautiful sea and on board of the characteristic local nice boats.


You can also find tennis and football fields. And of course you cannot miss these following destinations: a typical granita (kind of a frozen ice-cream) at Alfredo’s in Lingua, an aperitif at Hotel Ravesi in Malfa, the sunset seen from Pollara, a short trip on a boat, a night excursion for a squid fishing, and last but not least a short-trip both to Porri and Fossa mountains.


The night belongs to everyone! You can either enjoy the peacefulness and quietness of this isle, or take part and visit the frequent parties and celebrations in the most beautiful and charming places on the island.

Malfa - Isola di Salina
(+39) 331 666 2375

© 2023 Salina Case Vacanza

Didyme Vacanze S.r.l.
sede legale in Malfa (ME) in Via Scalo n. 31


Progetto n. 095520510853
Azione 3.5.1-02 - Po Fesr Sicilia 2014/2020

Ammesso a contributo con decreto n° 1377/3S del 12/08/2018 dalla Regione Sicilia, Dipartimento Attività Produttive - Importo del contributo pari a Euro 183.750,00

CUP G16E18000150007
Codice Caronte 19676

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