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In the late 60's we started to rent our houses for tourists, our guests became the  "pioneers" of tourism in Salina. These tourists would discover a wonderful and wild island, where time seemed to have stopped. That was actually a different kind of hospitality, far from mass tourism, and guests could really enjoy the local daily life, an uncontaminated nature and places where only few had access to.


After 40 years many things have changed: the eolian islands have been claimed and recognized as human heritage, and Salina is thoroughly and commonly acknowledged as one of the most beautiful island in the mediterranean sea. Salina has been discovered by the cinema industry and its sea depth attracts hundreds of people; the marvellous mountain "Monte Fossa delle Felci", has become a natural reserve.


Two things remain unchanged: the island's wild charm, which has not lost its own identity, and our friendly hospitality, just the very same it used to be 40 years ago.


We are here, and we're waiting for you !

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Malfa - Isola di Salina
(+39) 331 666 2375

© 2023 Salina Case Vacanza

Didyme Vacanze S.r.l.
sede legale in Malfa (ME) in Via Scalo n. 31


Progetto n. 095520510853
Azione 3.5.1-02 - Po Fesr Sicilia 2014/2020

Ammesso a contributo con decreto n° 1377/3S del 12/08/2018 dalla Regione Sicilia, Dipartimento Attività Produttive - Importo del contributo pari a Euro 183.750,00

CUP G16E18000150007
Codice Caronte 19676

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